poker online

good758 – Card Player baru-baru ini bertemu dengan Ian Steinman untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang kemenangannya dalam papan peringkat, pencapaian terobosannya, asal nama layarnya, dan banyak lagi.

Pengalaman Menangkan Gelang WSOP

Card Player (CP): Bisakah Anda ceritakan bagaimana perasaan Anda ketika kartu terakhir dibagikan dan Anda menyadari bahwa Anda baru saja memenangkan gelang WSOP?

Ian Steinman (IS): Saya merasakan banyak emosi. Itu adalah puncak dari banyak permainan dan kerja keras. Kombinasi kegembiraan dan sedikit kelegaan, seperti melepaskan beban dari punggung Anda. Ini benar-benar aneh karena biasanya pergerakan besar dalam turnamen terjadi di kasino dengan banyak orang di sekitar, bukan hanya duduk di sofa saya. Jadi, rasanya agak aneh, tetapi yang utama adalah kegembiraan dan sedikit kelegaan.

Tekanan Menutup Kemenangan Besar

CP: Anda telah memenangkan beberapa gelar turnamen kecil sebelumnya, tetapi dua skor terbesar Anda adalah menjadi runner-up. Apakah Anda merasakan tekanan ekstra untuk menutupnya kali ini?

IS: Pasti. Itu mulai terasa ketika saya masuk ke head-up. Saya memiliki chip yang cukup besar, tetapi kemudian saya menggandakannya dan posisi kami bertukar. Saya mencoba untuk mengatur ulang pikiran saya dan berkata kepada saudara laki-laki saya yang mendukung saya, ‘Tidak masalah. Jangan khawatir, saya akan menang.’ Saya mencoba meyakinkan diri sendiri untuk tetap fokus dan tidak membiarkan pikiran negatif menguasai. Tekanan itu pasti ada, tetapi saya berusaha untuk tetap tenang dan bermain kartu sebaik mungkin.

Kemenangan dari Sofa

CP: Gelang biasanya dimenangkan di meja unggulan dengan semua lampu dan streaming langsung, dengan teman dan keluarga di sekitar. Bagaimana rasanya memenangkan dari sofa Anda?

IS: Menarik, karena rasanya pasti berbeda. Namun, begitu saya menang, rasanya sama seperti yang saya bayangkan jika itu terjadi di Rio. Meskipun saya belum pernah mengalaminya di Rio, saya mendapat banyak pesan teks dan panggilan telepon, membuat saya merasa semua orang ada di sana menonton. Setelah selesai, rasanya tidak jauh berbeda bagi saya. Saya tidak keberatan, meskipun tentu saya ingin merayakannya bersama teman-teman. Namun, sejauh turnamen itu sendiri, rasanya sama bagi saya.

Dukungan Keluarga

CP: Jadi, saudara Anda ikut mendukung. Bagaimana rasanya mendapat dukungan keluarga?

IS: Saya tinggal di Nevada, dan saudara saya di California. Dia datang ke sini pada akhir pekan untuk bermain beberapa acara sendiri. Dia berencana pulang sehari sebelumnya, tetapi karena dia berlari dalam-dalam dan sudah larut, saya menyarankan untuk tinggal satu malam lagi. Dia setuju dan bermain, mungkin dia juga mendapatkan uang. Namun, begitu dia tersingkir, dia memutuskan untuk tetap tinggal dan melihat saya memenangkan gelang.

Dia ada di sana, tetapi kami tidak banyak berbicara. Dia hanya duduk mengawasi saya bermain. Saya sangat fokus dan tidak banyak berbicara kecuali saat istirahat, ketika saya mengatakan kepadanya, ‘Saya masih akan memenangkan ini.’

Dengan kemenangan ini, Ian Steinman membuktikan bahwa kerja keras dan fokus dapat membawa hasil yang luar biasa, bahkan jika situasinya berbeda dari biasanya. Kemenangan ini tidak hanya memberi penghargaan atas usaha dan dedikasi, tetapi juga memberikan kenangan yang tak terlupakan bersama keluarga dan teman.

Working System for Playing Poker Gambling Online Working System for Playing Poker Gambling Online

Working System for Playing Poker Gambling Online – Online and offline poker gambling games are the same type of game, only the method of playing it is different. If you are asked about poker games, you will definitely be connected to various trusted gambling websites that have spread their existence on the internet. When asked if any Indonesians have ever tried to play this poker game through a trusted online gambling application? Some of you may have seen it before. When you play each poker game, you get a lot of different features and servers.

Next, let’s take a look at the poker app, which is more about how the app itself works. You will learn a little more about how to play online poker using existing applications later. You can learn how to play mobile betting from the manual, but we’ll cover a bit here to help you understand.


When viewed by long-time players who have played this game before, there is little difference between live web poker applications. Where the difference is only in access, because this download idnpoker website is accessed through browser applications such as Chrome, Opera or Mozilla Firefox. While this application is usually present on electronic devices such as mobile phones, personal PCs or other electronic devices. The application is in the form of a raw file that you can install right away in just a few steps.


The poker application will open and the stakes will also be played when you re-register with a personal account. This registration is no different from registering through a website, where this stage is usually much shorter. The appearance of the poker application also became simpler, although the game function was later discontinued. It gives you easy access to bets and fulfills your needs as a player or bettor.


For the application there is a gambling command as well as the main menu. You can immediately register there to create a mobile chat account. There is also a deposit transaction menu which is an online gambling capital order. The cash out transaction menu or what is known as online cash withdrawal is also available so you don’t need to open the original website.

Since you already know how to play poker online in the app, follow these steps on our site to start playing. For bettors who still don’t understand how to play online poker, you can read the articles available here. Learn first before starting to play to minimize your chances of losing.

Win Money Prizes from Online Poker Gambling Win Money Prizes from Online Poker Gambling

Win Money Prizes from Online Poker Gambling – The winning steps from playing online poker gambling can indeed lead you to the acquisition of various bonuses in poker gambling.

Online gambling games such as poker, aduq, slots, capsa, and black jack and others are played by millions of people around the world. Instead of playing for fun and entertainment. Many people play at trusted poker agents or other casino games actually to earn a lot of money. It is now more possible through trusted card gambling sites to earn cash just by sitting at home comfortably.

If you are a professional or learn more games to become a professional player, then you can increase your winning chances. But most of the players who can’t afford them with idnpoker administration, packages, offer great strategies to win in an easy way.

Agents of a particular site observe all operations and other tasks of their website. Bookies are also responsible for getting new gamers to register and bet on their sites. How they always enhance the reputation of their particular site and form the relationship between the organization and the users. They check the betting market trends before starting to play.

What is the Importance of Being a Player at a Trusted Poker Agent?

Some poker or other gambling sites have an online bookie whose role is to manage the business like a middle man between the users and the site company. Agents are people who get new games to register on their dedicated website.

You can even choose a profession to be a trusted poker agent. And you can find guides and other betting site information where you can learn how to become a gambling agent and earn cash.

You already know that the importance of being an agent is important when working under a reputed site. Time is an important factor for gambling agents. He is the one who allocates a certain time for the client to play the game. But if the customer does not play until the allotted time, then it is a loss for both the manager and the user.

With a trusted poker agent, you can get the benefits of hiring an agent because they offer a 24-hour game play method. Provide services to them to increase the chances of winning. Agents can guide players well in making game moves against rivals in game play to turn you into a champion.

Many online bookmakers are experts in learning different important methods. They pretty much explain gamers all the time. This will create a gambling agency that works under the site of a reputable organization. It was to become famous and got him hired by several customers to help them win the views of trusted poker agents.

Motivation to Win Online Poker Gambling Poker – For those of you who are looking for and need motivation to make a profit, then you are in the right article.

It doesn’t matter what you do. Motivation is something that makes us to achieve our goals. If you have motivation you will get success faster than without motivation. Modern psychologists think that there are two types of motivation: motivation and external motivation. Inner motivation depends on your character. Say you love your business and you think that you need to do everything at the highest level. External motivation is something that is not from within. Suppose you think that you should do something just for the sake of reward. You don’t like the process but you have to. Many psychologists think that people with inner motivation can reach their goals more quickly.

Motivation to Win Online Poker Gambling Poker

If you want to be successful at you must understand that you will have to work hard to achieve your goals. Poker is not an easy way to make money. If you like poker you will have more opportunities to achieve your poker goals.

If you don’t like the process or you just want money you will have to face a lot of trouble. You have to understand that poker is a type of business and if you like your business you will become successful much faster.

Just imagine: you like to help people and you work as a doctor. You help others not because you want to have more money but because it’s nice for you to see the happy faces of the people you’re helping. You have inner motivation. And another situation: you work as a doctor to earn more money. You don’t like your job and work just because you have to. It is clear that if you like your job, you can achieve success more quickly.

Poker is no exception. You have to work hard to be a good player. And if you don’t like poker you will spend more time trying to win. You have to learn a lot. Anyway you need to watch poker videos, read holdem books and learn poker math. You have to control yourself a lot. Poker is an emotional business. All can be done only if you have the motivation.

Poker is a tough way to make money. You will face many difficulties. You will have good and bad periods. But anyway you should not give up. Who said that it would be easy? I have some tips for holdem players how to make your holdem walk more fun: try to think clearly, use best holdem bonuses and rakebacks for poker players, try to be positive. If you play holdem and the satisfaction feel of the game means that holdem is for you. If you want to “read” your opponents and like to sit for hours a day and play, holdem is for you. But if you consider holdem as a difficult task and your only goal is money you should think before playing. Maybe holdem is not for you and you are not motivated enough.

Popular Trends of Online Poker Gambling  – The trend of playing online poker gambling games has certainly been going on for so long, this gambling game has been played by so many people in the world.

You’ve probably seen that by now. You flip the channel on ‘Box’, hoping to catch some decent sport. ESPN, usually so relied on for sport-loving staples around the world, seems to show a group of people playing cards. At least, that’s asia poker77 I thought when I first saw “World Series of Poker” on TV.

Popular Trends of Online Poker Gambling 

Of course, it only takes a few minutes to watch the events unfold that you realize this is way, way more than just a card game. Professional Poker Series is the world’s most effective television table-sport, sport, with its own accompaniment of superstars and celebs.

Like many other sports, poker is awash with drama and tension and adrenaline fueled moments. It’s nerve-wracking, edge-of-the-chair-stuff and it’s no wonder holdem is so widespread on television.
After a holdem bug bite, there’s no turning back. This is a game of tactical skill, mutual psychoanalysis and a little dumb luck. The more you play (or even just watch the pros play) the better you get. The better you get the more fun it is to play.

Poker is certainly not new, but it is currently enjoying popularity like never before in its long history. For the most part, this is due to the holdem events on television that have actually caught on.
Next driving the holdem boom is the expansion of the online poker market.

online poker

Online holdem rooms have created a new avenue through which the average Joe holdem player can enjoy his favorite card game. Formerly a casino reserve and smoky bar room, poker, now more than ever, is coming to the homes of players all over the world. All the interactivity and global interconnectedness that the Internet has carried over to another realm, now brings to the world of poker.

How does online holdem work?

The first thing to understand, is that when you play online poker, you are playing against other, real people who are connected to the game over the internet. It is different from video poker, which is the type of game you may find in a casino, where you play holdem against machines and software. It’s also important to understand the difference between a poker site and an online casino. With online casinos, players are usually pitted against “the house” and as is the case with all casinos both online and in the real world, the aggregate result is that “the house always wins”. That’s not to say no player has ever won money. To be sure, there are regular payments to players in the casino based on a percentage of the total turnover. I’ve simplified it, but that’s basically the business model of every casino. Casinos make money by offering players entertainment and the potential to win.

When it comes to online holdem rooms or poker sites, the “house” is never to bet on anything. Poker sites are third-party neutral that creates the infrastructure and environment for holdem players to take on one another. Online holdem room providers make their money by taking a small percentage of each pot bet, usually called the rake. In some cases, holdem rooms may have tournaments that require an entry fee to join.

What are the components of an online poker game?

The first part will be a poker site or online holdem room. This is a site that provides games as well as information on rules, events and play advice. Many of these holdem rooms then require you to download the holdem client software. This software is then installed on the player’s computer and will display a graphical representation of the poker game. The holdem game itself is hosted on the game’s holdem server and the player client connects to this server to join the game. Of course, the most important component in all of this is the poker player. People like you and me who go to online poker rooms, download holdem clients and connect via holdem game servers to online poker games.