gold mine in papua

Gold Mining Producing Regions in Indonesia Gold Mining Producing Regions in Indonesia

Gold Mining Producing Regions in Indonesia – Some of the articles that we will provide are articles that we summarize from trusted sources, here are some articles that discuss gold-producing areas in Indonesia.

Indonesia is blessed with abundant pure gold. This is proven by the sustainability of the gold mining industry, which has continued to develop until now. There are several areas that serve as the largest gold mining centers in Indonesia, namely Papua, Sumbawa, Dompu Sumatra, and West Java.


West Nusa Tenggara is currently lined up to be one of the regions with the highest mineral resources in Indonesia, as evidenced by the persistence of gold mining in this province. Until 2020, two large mining companies have been present in West Nusa Tenggara.


Sumbawa is another area in West Nusa Tenggara that operates gold mining. Amman Mineral or previously known as Newmont takes a production position in the vicinity of the green stone mine,

Sumbawa Island.

Mineral mining activities that have been carried out began in 2000, and are also the longest mining activities in Indonesia. In 2020, Amman Mineral reported that gold mining yields reached 4.12 million ounces.


The next largest mining producing area is managed by PT Freeport Indonesia. This company is located in the Tembagapura plains, Mimika, Papua and started its activities in 1967. Until now Papua has become the largest gold producing area in Indonesia, as evidenced by the mining results that have remained productive for decades. For the 2020 quarter, PT Freeport earns 240 kilograms of pure gold every day.

Also Read:The Most Expensive Gold Fact in the World


The Martabe gold mine is the largest pure gold spot in the North Sumatra Region. Taking a work location in Batang Toru, North Sumatra Province, mining has been started since 2008. Until now, profits from Martabe gold mining have continued to increase, reaching 350 thousand ounces each year.

One of the pure gold producing areas in this part of Java Island is Pongkor, which is located in West Java Province. Mining activities that have been started since 1994 are managed by PT Antam Tambang Tbk. The latest information says that mining in the Pongkor area will run out of contracts in 2021.
Even so, Antam said it would maximize pure gold production, with a target of reaching a capacity of 2 tonnes a year.